Marco's MSX Page Marco's MSX Page
You are visitor number -1 since August 7th 2004

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About me

Hi, my name is Marco Viets. I'm from Germany. In 1992, I bought my first MSX-computer. At first, I only played some games like 'Road Fighter' and the Konami sport games, but soon I started to learn the MSX-Basic to write my own programs. Three years later, I bought a Sony MSX-2-computer, which offered many more possibilities to develop programs. Also, the games were much better than on the MSX-1. Soon I came to Metal Gear 1. I played this great game very often and after a long time I finally achieved to destroy Metal Gear and Outer Heaven.

Now, I have an Athlon 1.4GHz with 1 GB RAM and I am still playing the good, old MSX-games, especially Metal Gear 2 : Solid Snake. This game is much better than many, many games today. I have finished it some time ago along with the complete map of this game.


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:: Metal Gear

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